クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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592page / 4.48MB
•Oil TemperatureDisplays the actual oil temperature.•Oil PressureDisplays the actual oil pressure.•Trans TemperatureDisplays the actual transmission temperature.•Engine HoursDisplays the number of hours of engine operation.Messages #Select from Main Menu using the UP or DOWN buttons.This feature shows the number of stored warning mes-sages (in the # place holder). Pressing the SELECT buttonwill allow you to see what the stored messages are.Pressing the BACK button takes you back to the MainMenu.Turn Menu OFFSelect from Main Menu using the DOWN button. Press-ing the SELECT button blanks the menu display. Pressingany one of the four steering wheel buttons brings themenu back.Uconnectfi SETTINGSThe Uconnectfi system uses a combination of soft andhard keys located on the center of the instrument panelthat allows you to access and change the customerprogrammable features.Hard-KeysHard-Keys are located below the Uconnectfi system inthe center of the instrument panel. In addition, there is aScroll/Enter control knob located on the right side of theClimate Controls in the center of the instrument panel.Turn the control knob to scroll through menus and326 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL
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