クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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until a check-mark appears next to setting, showing thatsetting has been selected. Touch the back arrow soft-keyto return to the previous menu.•Flash Headlights With LockWhen this feature is selected, the headlights will flashwhen the doors are locked or unlocked with the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. This feature may beselected with or without the sound horn on lock featureselected. To make your selection, touch the Flash Head-lights with Lock soft-key, until a check-mark appearsnext to setting, showing that setting has been selected.Touch the back arrow soft-key to return to the previousmenu.Doors & LocksAfter pressing the Doors & Locks soft-key the followingsettings will be available.•Auto Unlock On ExitWhen this feature is selected, all doors will unlock whenthe vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in thePARK or NEUTRAL position and the drivers door isopened. To make your selection, touch the Auto UnlockOn Exit soft-key, until a check-mark appears next tosetting, showing that setting has been selected. Touch theback arrow soft-key to return to the previous menu.•Flash Headlight With LockWhen this feature is selected, the front and headlightswill flash when the doors are locked or unlocked with theRemote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. To make yourselection, touch the Flash Lights With Lock soft-key, untila check-mark appears next to setting, showing thatsetting has been selected. Touch the back arrow soft-keyto return to the previous menu.4UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 335
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