クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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•Music Info CleanupThis feature helps organize music files for optimizedmusic navigation. To make your selection, touch theMusic Info Cleanup soft-key, select On or Off followed bypressing the arrow back soft-key.•Surround SoundThis feature provides simulated surround sound mode.To make your selection, touch the Surround Soundsoft-key, select On or Off followed by pressing the arrowback soft-key.Phone/Bluetooth(R)After pressing the Phone/Bluetoothfi soft-key the fol-lowing settings will be available.•Paired DevicesThis feature shows which phones are paired to thePhone/Bluetoothfi system. For further information, referto the Uconnectfi Supplement.SiriusXM SetupAfter pressing the SIRIUS Setup soft-key the followingsettings will be available.•Channel SkipSiriusXM can be programmed to designate a group ofchannels that are the most desirable to listen to or toexclude undesirable channels while scanning. To makeyour selection, touch the Channel Skip soft-key, select thechannels you would like to skip followed by pressing thearrow back soft-key.4UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 341
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