クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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14, 15). Once the desired temperature is displayed, thesystem will achieve and automatically maintain thatcomfort level.3. When the system is set up for your comfort level, it isnot necessary to change the settings. You will experi-ence the greatest efficiency by simply allowing thesystem to function automatically.NOTE:•It is not necessary to move the temperature settings forcold or hot vehicles. The system automatically adjuststhe temperature, mode, and blower speed to providecomfort as quickly as possible.•The temperature can be displayed in U.S. or Metricunits by selecting the US/M customer-programmablefeature. Refer to the Uconnectfi System Settings inthis section of the manual.To provide you with maximum comfort in theAutomaticmode, during cold start-ups the blower fan will remainon low until the engine warms up. The blower willincrease in speed and transition into Auto mode.Manual OperationThe system allows for manual selection of blower speed,air distribution mode, A/C status and recirculation con-trol.The blower fan speed can be set to any fixed speed byadjusting the blower control. The fan will now operate ata fixed speed until additional speeds are selected. Thisallows the front occupants to control the volume of aircirculated in the vehicle and cancel the Auto mode.The operator can also select the direction of the airflowby selecting one of the available mode settings. A/Coperation and Recirculation control can also be manuallyselected in Manual operation.4UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 355
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