クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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592page / 4.48MB
STARTING PROCEDURESBefore starting your vehicle, adjust your seat, adjust theinside and outside mirrors, fasten your seat belt, and ifpresent, instruct all other occupants to buckle their seatbelts.WARNING!•When leaving the vehicle, always remove the keyfob from the ignition and lock your vehicle.•Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or withaccess to an unlocked vehicle. Allowing children tobe in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for anumber of reasons. A child or others could beseriously or fatally injured. Children should bewarned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedalor the shift lever.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•Do not leave the key fob in or near the vehicle (orin a location accessible to children), and do notleave a vehicle equipped with Keyless Enter-N-GoTM in the ACC or ON/RUN mode. A child couldoperate power windows, other controls, or movethe vehicle.Automatic TransmissionThe shift lever must be in the NEUTRAL or PARKposition before you can start the engine.Apply the brakesbefore shifting into any driving gear.364 STARTING AND OPERATING
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