クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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toggle between DRIVE and SPORT modes, touch theSPORT button (on the Controls screen in the center touchpanel).Transmission Limp Home ModeTransmission function is monitored electronically forabnormal conditions. If a condition is detected that couldresult in transmission damage, Transmission Limp HomeMode is activated. In this mode, the transmission remainsin the current gear until the vehicle is brought to a stop.After the vehicle has stopped, the transmission willremain in second gear regardless of which forward gearis selected. PARK, REVERSE, and NEUTRAL will con-tinue to operate. Limp Home Mode allows the vehicle tobe driven to an authorized dealer for service withoutdamaging the transmission.In the event of a momentary problem, the transmissioncan be reset to regain all forward gears by performing thefollowing steps:1. Stop the vehicle.2. Shift the transmission into PARK.3. Turn the engine OFF.4. Wait approximately 10 seconds.5. Restart the engine.6. Shift into the desired gear range. If the problem is nolonger detected, the transmission will return to normaloperation.NOTE:Even if the transmission can be reset, we recom-mend that you visit your authorized dealer at yourearliest possible convenience. Your authorized dealer hasdiagnostic equipment to determine if the problem couldrecur.386 STARTING AND OPERATING
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