クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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NOTE:•Even if power steering assistance is no longer opera-tional, it is still possible to steer the vehicle. Underthese conditions there will be a substantial increase insteering effort, especially at very low vehicle speedsand during parking maneuvers.•If the condition persists, see your authorized dealer forservice.FUEL SAVER TECHNOLOGY 5.7L ENGINE ONLY IF EQUIPPEDThis feature offers improved fuel economy by shuttingoff four of the engines eight cylinders during light loadand cruise conditions. The system is automatic with nodriver inputs or additional driving skills required.NOTE:This system may take some time to return to fullfunctionality after a battery disconnect.PARKING BRAKEBefore leaving the vehicle, make sure that the parkingbrake is fully applied and place the shift lever in thePARK position.The foot operated parking brake is located below thelower left corner of the instrument panel. To apply thepark brake, firmly push the park brake pedal fully. Torelease the parking brake, press the park brake pedal asecond time and let your foot up as you feel the brakedisengage.396 STARTING AND OPERATING
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