クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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•Aslight drop or fall away of the brake pedal at the endof the stop.These are all normal characteristics of ABS.WARNING!•The ABS contains sophisticated electronic equip-ment that may be susceptible to interferencecaused by improperly installed or high outputradio transmitting equipment. This interferencecan cause possible loss of anti-lock braking capa-bility. Installation of such equipment should beperformed by qualified professionals.•Pumping of the Anti-Lock Brakes will diminishtheir effectiveness and may lead to a collision.Pumping makes the stopping distance longer. Justpress firmly on your brake pedal when you need toslow down or stop.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•The ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of phys-ics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increasebraking or steering efficiency beyond that affordedby the condition of the vehicle brakes and tires orthe traction afforded.•The ABS cannot prevent collisions, including thoseresulting from excessive speed in turns, followinganother vehicle too closely, or hydroplaning.•The capabilities of an ABS equipped vehicle mustnever be exploited in a reckless or dangerousmanner that could jeopardize the user's safety orthe safety of others.All vehicle wheels and tires must be the same size andtype and tires must be properly inflated to produceaccurate signals for the computer.400 STARTING AND OPERATING
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