クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Brake Assist System (BAS)This system complements the ABS by optimizing thevehicle braking capability during emergency brake ma-neuvers. This system detects an emergency braking situ-ation by sensing the rate and amount of brake applicationand then applies optimum pressure to the brakes. Thiscan help reduce braking distances.Applying the brakes very quickly results in the best BASassistance. To receive the benefits of this system, youmust apply continuous brake pedal pressure during thestopping sequence. Do not reduce brake pedal pressureunless braking is no longer desired. Once the brake pedalis released, the BAS is deactivated.WARNING!The BAS cannot prevent the natural laws of physicsfrom acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase thetraction afforded by prevailing road conditions. TheBAS cannot prevent collisions, including those re-sulting from excessive speed in turns, driving onvery slippery surfaces, or hydroplaning. The capa-bilities of a BAS-equipped vehicle must never beexploited in a reckless or dangerous manner thatcould jeopardize the user's safety or the safety ofothers.Electronic Stability Control (ESC)This system enhances directional control and stability ofthe vehicle under various driving conditions. The ESCcorrects for oversteering and understeering the vehicleby applying the brake of the appropriate wheel. Engine402 STARTING AND OPERATING
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