クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!(Continued)•Unequal tire pressures from one side of the vehicleto the other can cause the vehicle to drift to theright or left.•Always drive with each tire inflated to the recom-mended cold tire inflation pressure.EconomyImproper inflation pressures can cause uneven wearpatterns to develop across the tire tread. These abnormalwear patterns will reduce tread life resulting in a need forearlier tire replacement. Under-inflation also increasestire rolling resistance resulting in higher fuel consump-tion.Ride Comfort And Vehicle StabilityProper tire inflation contributes to a comfortable ride.Over-inflation produces a jarring and uncomfortableride. Both under-inflation and over-inflation affect thestability of the vehicle and can produce a feeling ofsluggish response or over responsiveness in the steering.Unequaltirepressuresfromsidetosidemaycauseerraticand unpredictable steering response.Unequal tire pressure from side to side may cause thevehicle to drift left or right.Tire Inflation PressuresThe proper cold tire inflation pressure is listed on thedrivers side B Pillar or rear edge of the drivers sidedoor.At least once a month:•Check and adjust tire pressure with a good qualitypocket-type pressure gauge. Do not make a visualjudgement when determining proper inflation. Tiresmay look properly inflated even when they are under-inflated.5STARTING AND OPERATING 419
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