クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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original equipment or an authorized tire dealer forrecommended safe operating speeds, loading and coldtire inflation pressures.While studded tires improve performance on ice, skidand traction capability on wet or dry surfaces may bepoorer than that of non-studded tires. Some states pro-hibit studded tires; therefore, local laws should bechecked before using these tire types.Spare Tire Matching Original Equipped Tire AndWheel If EquippedYour vehicle may be equipped with a spare tire andwheel equivalent in look and function to the originalequipment tire and wheel found on the front or rear axleof your vehicle. This spare tire may be used in the tirerotation for your vehicle. If your vehicle has this optionrefer to an authorized tire dealer for the recommendedtire rotation pattern.Compact Spare Tire If EquippedThe compact spare is for temporary emergency use only.You can identify if your vehicle is equipped with acompact spare by looking at the spare tire description onthe Tire and Loading Information Placard located on thedrivers side door opening or on the sidewall of the tire.Compact spare tire descriptions begin with the letter Tor S preceding the size designation. Example: T145/80D18 103M.T, S = Temporary Spare TireSince this tire has limited tread life the original equip-ment tire should be repaired (or replaced) and reinstalledon your vehicle at the first opportunity.Do not install a wheel cover or attempt to mount aconventional tire on the compact spare wheel, since thewheel is designed specifically for the compact spare tire.5STARTING AND OPERATING 423
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