クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!•Do not use a tire, wheel size or rating other thanthat specified for your vehicle. Some combinationsof unapproved tires and wheels may change sus-pension dimensions and performance characteris-tics, resulting in changes to steering, handling, andbraking of your vehicle. This can cause unpredict-able handling and stress to steering and suspen-sion components. You could lose control and havea collision resulting in serious injury or death. Useonly the tire and wheel sizes with load ratingsapproved for your vehicle.•Never use a tire with a smaller load index orcapacity, other than what was originally equippedon your vehicle. Using a tire with a smaller loadindex could result in tire overloading and failure.You could lose control and have a collision.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•Failure to equip your vehicle with tires havingadequate speed capability can result in sudden tirefailure and loss of vehicle control.CAUTION!Replacing original tires with tires of a different sizemay result in false speedometer and odometer read-ings.TIRE CHAINS (TRACTION DEVICES)Use of traction devices require sufficient tire-to-bodyclearance. Follow these recommendations to guardagainst damage.•Traction device must be of proper size for the tire, asrecommended by the traction device manufacturer.428 STARTING AND OPERATING
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