クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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3. Driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph(24 km/h) will turn off the TPM Telltale Light andLOW TIREmessage as long as no tire pressure isbelow the low-pressure warning limit in any of thefour active road tires.Vehicles With Compact Spare1. The compact spare tire does not have a TPM sensor.Therefore, the TPMS will not monitor the pressure inthe compact spare tire.2. If you install the compact spare tire in place of a roadtire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warn-ing limit, upon the next ignition switch cycle, a chimewill sound and the TPM Telltale Light and LOWTIREmessage will turn ON. The Inflate to XXmessage will also be displayed.3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above15 mph (24 km/h), theLOW TIREmessage will turnoff and the TPM Telltale Light will flash on and off for75 seconds and then remain on solid.4. For each subsequent ignition switch cycle, a chime willsound and the TPM Telltale Light will flash on and offfor 75 seconds and then remain on solid.5. Once you repair or replace the original road tire, andreinstall it on the vehicle in place of the compact spare,the TPMS will update automatically and the TPMTelltale Light will turn OFF, as long as no tire pressureis below the low-pressure warning limit in any of thefour active road tires. The vehicle may need to bedriven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (24 km/h)in order for the TPMS to receive this information.436 STARTING AND OPERATING
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