クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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•Some additives used in regular gasoline are not fullycompatible with E-85 and may form deposits in yourengine. To eliminate driveability issues that may becaused by these deposits, a supplemental gasolineadditive, such as MOPARfi Injector Cleanup orTechron may be used.Selection Of Engine Oil For Flexible Fuel Vehicles(E-85) And Gasoline VehiclesFFV vehicles operated on E-85 require specially formu-lated engine oils. These special requirements are includedin MOPARfi engine oils, and in equivalent oils meetingChrysler Specification MS-6395. The manufacturer onlyrecommends engine oils that are API Certified and meetthe requirements of Material Standard MS-6395. MS-6395contains additional requirements, developed during ex-tensive fleet testing, to provide additional protection toChrysler Group LLC engines. Use MOPARfi or anequivalent oil meeting the specification MS-6395.StartingThe characteristics of E-85 fuel make it unsuitable for usewhen ambient temperatures fall below 0F (-18C). In therange of 0F (-18C) to 32F (0C), you may experience anincrease in the time it takes for your engine to start, anda deterioration in driveability (sags and/or hesitations)until the engine is fully warmed up.NOTE:Use of the engine block heater (if equipped) isbeneficial for E-85 startability when the ambient tempera-ture is less than 32F (0C).Cruising RangeBecause E-85 fuel contains less energy per gallon/literthan gasoline, you will experience an increase in fuelconsumption. You can expect your miles per gallon(mpg)/miles per liter and your driving range to decreaseby about 30%, compared to gasoline operation.448 STARTING AND OPERATING
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