クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESThe pages that follow contain the requiredmaintenanceservices determined by the engineers who designed yourvehicle.Besides those maintenance items specified in the fixedmaintenance schedule, there are other components whichmay require servicing or replacement in the future.CAUTION!•Failure to properly maintain your vehicle or per-form repairs and service when necessary couldresult in more costly repairs, damage to othercomponents or negatively impact vehicle perfor-mance. Immediately have potential malfunctionsexamined by an authorized dealer or qualifiedrepair center.(Continued)CAUTION!(Continued)•Your vehicle has been built with improved fluidsthat protect the performance and durability of yourvehicle and also allow extended maintenance inter-vals. Do not use chemical flushes in these compo-nents as the chemicals can damage your engine,transmission, power steering or air conditioning.Such damage is not covered by the New VehicleLimited Warranty. If a flush is needed because ofcomponent malfunction, use only the specifiedfluid for the flushing procedure.500 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE
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