クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Stain Repel Fabric Cleaning Procedure - IfEquippedStain Repel seats may be cleaned in the following man-ner:•Remove as much of the stain as possible by blottingwith a clean, dry towel.•Blot any remaining stain with a clean, damp towel.•For tough stains, apply MOPARfi Total Clean, or amild soap solution to a clean, damp cloth and removestain. Use a fresh, damp towel to remove soap residue.•For grease stains, apply MOPARfi Multi-PurposeCleaner to a clean, damp cloth and remove stain. Usea fresh, damp towel to remove soap residue.•Do not use any harsh solvents or any other form ofprotectants on Stain Repel products.Interior CareUse MOPARfi Total Clean to clean fabric upholstery andcarpeting.Use MOPARfi Total Clean to clean vinyl upholstery.MOPARfi Total Clean is specifically recommended forleather upholstery.Your leather upholstery can be best preserved by regularcleaning with a damp soft cloth. Small particles of dirtcan act as an abrasive and damage the leather upholsteryand should be removed promptly with a damp cloth.Stubborn soils can be removed easily with a soft clothand MOPARfi Total Clean. Care should be taken to avoidsoaking your leather upholstery with any liquid. Pleasedo not use polishes, oils, cleaning fluids, solvents, deter-gents, or ammonia-based cleaners to clean your leatherupholstery. Application of a leather conditioner is notrequired to maintain the original condition.528 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE
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