クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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FLUIDS, LUBRICANTS AND GENUINE PARTSEngineComponent Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine PartEngine Coolant We recommend you use MOPARfi Antifreeze/Coolant 10 Year/150,000 Mile For-mula OAT (Organic Additive Technology).Engine Oil 3.6L Engine We recommend you use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil, meeting the re-quirements of Chrysler Material Standard MS-6395. Refer to the engine oil fillcap for correct SAE grade.Engine Oil 5.7L Engine We recommend you use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil, meeting the re-quirements of Chrysler Material Standard MS-6395. Refer to the engine oil fillcap for correct SAE grade.Engine Oil Filter MOPARfi Engine Oil Filter or equivalent.Spark Plugs 3.6L Engine We recommend you use MOPARfi Spark Plugs (Gap 0.043 in [1.1 mm]).Spark Plugs 5.7L Engine We recommend you use MOPARfi Spark Plugs (Gap 0.043 in [1.1 mm]).Fuel Selection 3.6L Engine 87 OctaneFuel Selection 5.7L Engine 87 Octane Acceptable 89 Octane Recommended548 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE
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