クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Call toll free at:•1-800-890-4038 (U.S.)•1-800-387-1143 (Canada)OrVisit us on the Worldwide Web at:•www.techauthority.comDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORMTIRE QUALITY GRADESThe following tire grading categories were established bythe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Thespecific grade rating assigned by the tires manufacturerin each category is shown on the sidewall of the tires onyour vehicle.All passenger car tires must conform to Federal safetyrequirements in addition to these grades.TreadwearThe Treadwear grade is a comparative rating, based onthe wear rate of the tire when tested under controlledconditions on a specified government test course. Forexample, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one-halftimes as well on the government course as a tire graded100. The relative performance of tires depends upon theactual conditions of their use, however, and may departsignificantly from the norm due to variations in drivinghabits, service practices, and differences in road charac-teristics and climate.Traction GradesThe Traction grades, from highest to lowest, areAA,A, B,and C. These grades represent the tires ability to stop onwet pavement, as measured under controlled conditionson specified government test surfaces of asphalt andconcrete. Atire marked C may have poor traction perfor-mance.9IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE 567
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