クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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between the occupant and the door. The SAB fully inflatein about 10 milliseconds. The side air bag moves at a veryhigh speed and with such a high force that it could injureyou if you are not seated properly, or if items arepositioned in the area where the side air bag inflates. Thisespecially applies to children.Supplemental Side Air Bag Inflatable Curtain(SABIC) Inflator UnitsDuring collisions where the impact is confined to aparticular area of the side of the vehicle, the ORC maydeploy the SABIC air bags, depending on the severityand type of collision. In these events, the ORC willdeploy the SABIC only on the impact side of the vehicle.Aquantity of non-toxic gas is generated to inflate the sidecurtain air bag. The inflating side curtain air bag pushesthe outside edge of the headliner out of the way andcovers the window. The air bag inflates in about 30 mil-liseconds (about one-quarter of the time that it takes toblink your eyes) with enough force to injure you if youare not belted and seated properly, or if items arepositioned in the area where the side curtain air baginflates. This especially applies to children. The sidecurtain air bag is only about 3-1/2 in (9 cm) thick whenit is inflated.Because air bag sensors estimate deceleration over time,vehicle speed and damage are not good indicators ofwhether or not an air bag should have deployed.Front And Side Impact SensorsIn front and side impacts, impact sensors can aid theORC in determining appropriate response to impactevents.Enhanced Accident Response SystemIn the event of an impact causing air bag deployment, ifthe communication network remains intact, and thepower remains intact, depending on the nature of the2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 67
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