クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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have outgrown the rear-facing weight or height limit oftheir rear-facing convertible child seat. Children shouldremain in a forward-facing child seat with a harness foras long as possible, up to the highest weight or heightallowed by the child seat.All children whose weight or height is above theforward-facing limit for the child seat should use abelt-positioning booster seat until the vehicles seat beltsfit properly. If the child cannot sit with knees bent overthe vehicles seat cushion while the childs back is againstthe seatback, they should use a belt-positioning boosterseat. The child and belt-positioning booster seat are heldin the vehicle by the seat belt.WARNING!•Improper installation can lead to failure of aninfant or child restraint. It could come loose in acollision. The child could be badly injured orkilled. Follow the child restraint manufacturer'sdirections exactly when installing an infant orchild restraint.•When your child restraint is not in use, secure it inthe vehicle with the seat belt or LATCH anchor-ages, or remove it from the vehicle. Do not leave itloose in the vehicle. In a sudden stop or accident, itcould strike the occupants or seatbacks and causeserious personal injury.Children Too Large For Booster SeatsChildren who are large enough to wear the shoulder beltcomfortably, and whose legs are long enough to bendover the front of the seat when their back is against the76 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE
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