クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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What is the weight limit (childs weight +weight of the child restraint) for using theTether Anchor with the seat belt to attach aforward facing child restraint?Weight limit of theChild RestraintAlways use the tether anchor when usingthe seat belt to install a forward facingchild restraint, up to the recommendedweight limit of the child restraint.Can the rear-facing child restraint touchthe back of the front passenger seat?YesContact between the front passenger seatand the child restraint is allowed, if thechild restraint manufacturer also allowscontact.Can the head restraints be removed? Yes, center positiononly.Can the buckle stalk be twisted to tightenthe seat belt against the belt path of thechild restraint?YesIn positions with cinching latch plates(CINCH), the buckle stalk may be twistedup to 3 full turns. Do not twist the bucklestalk in a seating position with an ALRretractor.88 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE
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