クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!(Continued)•Always make sure that objects cannot fall into thedriver footwell while the vehicle is moving. Objectscan become trapped under the brake pedal andaccelerator pedal causing a loss of vehicle control.•If required, mounting posts must be properly in-stalled, if not equipped from the factory.Failure to properly follow floor mat installation ormounting can cause interference with the brakepedal and accelerator pedal operation causing loss ofcontrol of the vehicle.Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make OutsideThe VehicleTiresExamine tires for excessive tread wear and uneven wearpatterns. Check for stones, nails, glass, or other objectslodged in the tread or sidewall. Inspect the tread for cutsand cracks. Inspect sidewalls for cuts, cracks and bulges.Check the wheel nuts for tightness. Check the tires(including spare) for proper cold inflation pressure.LightsHave someone observe the operation of brake lights andexterior lights while you work the controls. Check turnsignal and high beam indicator lights on the instrumentpanel.Door LatchesCheck for positive closing, latching, and locking.Fluid LeaksCheck area under vehicle after overnight parking for fuel,engine coolant, oil, or other fluid leaks. Also, if gasolinefumes are detected or if fuel, power steering fluid, orbrake fluid leaks are suspected, the cause should belocated and corrected immediately.2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 99
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