クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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NOTE:1. You can replace John Smith with any name in yourmobile or favorite phone book. You can also say Senda message to John Smith and the system will ask youwhich phone number you want to send a message tofor John Smith.2. You can replace Mobile with Home, Work orOther.3. You can replace Incoming Calls with OutgoingCalls or Missed Calls.4. Messaging commands only work if the Uconnectfisystem is equipped with this feature and the mobilephone supports messaging over Bluetoothfi.5. You can replace 248 555 1212 with any phonenumber supported by your Mobile phone.6. You can replace 4 with any message number shownon the screen.7. If your phone does not support phonebook downloador call log download over Bluetoothfi then thesecommands will return a response that the contact doesnot exist in the phonebook.3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 161
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