クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Natural SpeechNatural speech allows the user to speak commands inphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as ahand eh. The system handles fill-in words such as Iwould like to.The system handles multiple inputs in the same phraseor sentence such as make a phone call and to KellySmith. For multiple inputs in the same phrase or sen-tence, the system identifies the topic or context andprovides the associated follow-up prompt such as Whodo you want to call? in the case where a phone call wasrequested but the specific name was not recognized.The system utilizes continuous dialog; when the systemrequires more information from the user it will ask aquestion to which the user can respond without pressingthe Uconnectfi Voice Commandbutton.Uconnectfi Voice CommandsThe Uconnectfi Voice Command system understandstwo types of commands. Universal commands are avail-able at all times. Local commands are available if thesupported radio mode is active.Start a dialogue by pressing the Uconnectfi Voice Com-mandbutton.166 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE
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