クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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General InformationFCC Requirements For Vehicular Radar SystemsClassification Specifications:47 C.F.R. Part 1547 C.F.R Part 15.515Normal (Fixed Speed) Cruise Control ModeIn addition to Adaptive Cruise Control mode, a normal(fixed speed) Cruise Control mode is available for cruis-ing at fixed speeds. The normal Cruise Control mode isdesigned to maintain a set cruising speed without requir-ing the driver to operate the accelerator. Cruise Controlcan only be operated if the vehicle speed is above 20 mph(32 km/h).To change modes, press the MODE button when thesystem is in either the OFF, READY, or SET position.While pressing the mode button, a chime alerts the driverto the change of state from Adaptive Cruise Control tonormal Cruise Control. Cruise Ready will be displayedif the system was in ACC READY or ACC SET position.Cruise Off will be displayed if the system was in theACC OFF position. To switch back to Adaptive CruiseControl mode, press the MODE button a second time.WARNING!In the normal Cruise Control mode, the system willnot react to vehicles ahead. In addition, the proximitywarning does not activate and no alarm will soundeven if you are too close to the vehicle ahead sinceneither the presence of the vehicle ahead nor thevehicle-to vehicle distance is detected. Be sure tomaintain a safe distance between your vehicle andthe vehicle ahead. Always be aware which mode isselected.3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 243
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