クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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PARKVIEWfi REAR BACK UP CAMERA IFEQUIPPEDYour vehicle may be equipped with the ParkViewfi RearBack Up Camera that allows you to see an on-screenimage of the rear surroundings of your vehicle wheneverthe shift lever is put into REVERSE. The image will bedisplayed on the touchscreen display along with a cau-tion note to check entire surroundings across the top ofthe screen. After five seconds this note will disappear.The ParkViewfi camera is located on the rear of thevehicle above the rear License plate.When the vehicle is shifted out of REVERSE, the rearview image shall not be displayed for more than 5 sec-onds and the navigation or audio screen appears again.When displayed, static grid lines will illustrate the widthof the vehicle and will show separate zones that will helpindicate the distance to the rear of the vehicle. Thefollowing table shows the approximate distances for eachzone:Zone Distance to the rear of the vehicleRed 0 - 1 ft (0 - 30 cm)Yellow 1 ft - 3 ft (30 cm - 1 m)Green 3 ft or greater (1 m or greater)3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 257
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