クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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iPodfi/USB/MP3 CONTROLThis feature allows an iPodfi or external USB device to beplugged into the USB port.iPodfi control supports Mini, 4G, Photo, Nano, 5G iPodfiand iPhonefi devices. Some iPodfi software versionsmay not fully support the iPodfi control features. Pleasevisit Apples website for software updates.For further information, refer to the Uconnectfi UsersManual.HARMAN KARDONfi Logic7fi HIGHPERFORMANCE MULTICHANNEL SURROUNDSOUND SYSTEM WITH DRIVER-SELECTABLESURROUND (DSS) IF EQUIPPEDYour vehicle is equipped with a Harman Kardonfi audiosystem with GreenEdge technology that offers superiorsound quality, higher Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) andreduced energy consumption. The new system utilizesproprietary amplifier and speaker technologies deliver-ing substantial increases in component and system effi-ciency levels.The 12 Channel Class D GreenEdge high efficiencyamplifier is governed by a high voltage tracking powersupply and drives a 7.5-channel playback architecture.The Harman Kardonfi audio system offers the ability tochoose Logic 7fi surround sound for any audio source.The GreenEdge high-efficiency speaker designs ensurethe system has higher SPL and a dramatic increase indynamic sound quality. The speakers are tuned formaximum efficiency and perfectly matched to the ampli-fier output stage ensuring state of the art multi-seatsurround sound processing.4UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 343
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