クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!•Unintended movement of a vehicle could injure thosein or near the vehicle. As with all vehicles, you shouldnever exit a vehicle while the engine is running.Before exiting a vehicle, always apply the parkingbrake, shift the transmission into PARK, and turn theengine OFF. When the ignition is in the LOCK/OFFposition, the shift lever is locked in PARK, securingthe vehicle against unwanted movement.•It is dangerous to shift out of PARK or NEUTRALif the engine speed is higher than idle speed. Ifyour foot is not firmly pressing the brake pedal, thevehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in re-verse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hitsomeone or something. Only shift into gear whenthe engine is idling normally and your foot isfirmly pressing the brake pedal.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•When leaving the vehicle, always remove the keyfob and lock your vehicle.•Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or withaccess to an unlocked vehicle. Allowing children tobe in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for anumber of reasons. A child or others could beseriously or fatally injured.•Children should be warned not to touch the park-ing brake, brake pedal or the shift lever. Do notleave the key fob in or near the vehicle (or in alocation accessible to children), and do not leaveKeyless Enter-N-GoTM in the ACC or ON/RUNposition. A child could operate power windows,other controls, or move the vehicle.370 STARTING AND OPERATING
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