クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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CAUTION!(Continued)•Driving through standing water may cause damageto your vehicle's drivetrain components. Alwaysinspect your vehicle's fluids (i.e., engine oil, trans-mission, axle, etc.) for signs of contamination (i.e.,fluid that is milky or foamy in appearance) afterdriving through standing water. Do not continue tooperate the vehicle if any fluid appears contami-nated, as this may result in further damage. Suchdamage is not covered by the New Vehicle LimitedWarranty.•Getting water inside your vehicle's engine cancause it to lock up and stall out, and cause seriousinternal damage to the engine. Such damage is notcovered by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.WARNING!•Driving through standing water limits your vehi-cle's traction capabilities. Do not exceed 5 mph(8 km/h) when driving through standing water.•Driving through standing water limits your vehi-cle's braking capabilities, which increases stoppingdistances. Therefore, after driving through stand-ing water, drive slowly and lightly press on thebrake pedal several times to dry the brakes.•Getting water inside your vehicle's engine cancause it to lock up and stall out, and leave youstranded.•Failure to follow these warnings may result ininjuries that are serious or fatal to you, your pas-sengers, and others around you.394 STARTING AND OPERATING
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