クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Towing With HSAHSA will provide assistance when starting on a gradewhen pulling a trailer.WARNING!•If you use a trailer brake controller with yourtrailer, your trailer brakes may be activated anddeactivated with the brake switch. If so, when thebrake pedal is released, there may not be enoughbrake pressure to hold the vehicle and trailer on ahill and this could cause a collision with anothervehicle or object behind you. In order to avoidrolling down the hill while resuming acceleration,manually activate the trailer brake prior to releas-ing the brake pedal. Always remember the driver isresponsible for braking the vehicle.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•HSA is not a parking brake. If you stop the vehicleon a hill without putting the transmission in PARKand using the parking brake, it will roll down thehill and could cause a collision with another ve-hicle or object. Always remember to use the park-ing brake while parking on a hill, and that thedriver is responsible for braking the vehicle.HSA OffIf you wish to turn off the HSA system, it can be doneusing the Customer Programmable Features in the Elec-tronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC). Refer to Elec-tronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) in Under-standing Your Instrument Panel for further information.Ready Alert BrakingReady Alert Braking may reduce the time required toreach full braking during emergency braking situations.406 STARTING AND OPERATING
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