クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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HAZARD WARNING FLASHERSThe Hazard Warning flasher switch is located in thecenter of the instrument panel between the center airoutlets.Press the switch to turn on the Hazard Warningflashers. When the switch is activated, all direc-tional turn signals will flash on and off to warn oncomingtraffic of an emergency. Press the switch a second time toturn off the Hazard Warning flashers.This is an emergency warning system and it should notbe used when the vehicle is in motion. Use it when yourvehicle is disabled and it is creating a safety hazard forother motorists.When you must leave the vehicle to seek assistance, theHazard Warning flashers will continue to operate eventhough the ignition is placed in the OFF position.NOTE:With extended use the Hazard Warning flashersmay wear down your battery.IF YOUR ENGINE OVERHEATSIn any of the following situations, you can reduce thepotential for overheating by taking the appropriate ac-tion.•On the highways slow down.•In city traffic while stopped, place the transmissionin NEUTRAL, but do not increase the engine idlespeed.NOTE:There are steps that you can take to slow downan impending overheat condition:•If your air conditioner (A/C) is on, turn it off. TheA/Csystem adds heat to the engine cooling system andturning the A/C off can help remove this heat.470 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES
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