クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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6. Remove the scissors jack and lug wrench from thespare wheel as an assembly. Turn the jack screw to theleft to loosen the lug wrench, and remove the wrenchfrom the jack assembly.WARNING!A loose tire or jack thrown forward in a collision orhard stop could endanger the occupants of the ve-hicle. Always stow the jack parts and the spare tire inthe places provided. Have the deflated (flat) tirerepaired or replaced immediately.Preparations For Jacking1. Park the vehicle on a firm, level surface as far from theedge of the roadway as possible. Avoid icy or slipperyareas.WARNING!Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of thevehicle close to moving traffic, pull far enough offthe road to avoid being hit when operating the jackor changing the wheel.Jack Fastener474 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES
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