クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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4. Finish tightening the lug nuts. Push down on thewrench while at the end of the handle for increasedleverage. Tighten the lug nuts in a star pattern untileach nut has been tightened twice. The correct tight-ness of each lug nut is 110 ft-lbs (150 N*m). If in doubtabout the correct tightness, have them checked with atorque wrench by your authorized dealer or servicestation.5. After 25 miles (40 km) check the lug nut torque with atorque wrench to ensure that all lug nuts are properlyseated against the wheel.JUMP-STARTING PROCEDURESIf your vehicle has a discharged battery it can be jump-started using a set of jumper cables and a battery inanother vehicle or by using a portable battery boosterpack. Jump-starting can be dangerous if done improperlyso please follow the procedures in this section carefully.NOTE:When using a portable battery booster packfollow the manufacturers operating instructions andprecautions.CAUTION!Do not use a portable battery booster pack or anyother booster source with a system voltage greaterthan 12 Volts or damage to the battery, starter motor,alternator or electrical system may occur.WARNING!Do not attempt jump-starting if the battery is frozen.It could rupture or explode and cause personal injury.6WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES 481
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