クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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CAUTION!(Continued)•Do not use water alone or alcohol-based enginecoolant (antifreeze) products. Do not use additionalrust inhibitors or antirust products, as they may notbe compatible with the radiator engine coolant andmay plug the radiator.•This vehicle has not been designed for use withpropylene glycol-based engine coolant (antifreeze).Use of propylene glycol-based engine coolant (an-tifreeze) is not recommended.Adding CoolantYour vehicle has been built with an improved enginecoolant (OAT coolant conforming to MS-12106) thatallows extended maintenance intervals. This engine cool-ant (antifreeze) can be used up to ten years or 150,000miles (240,000 km) before replacement. To prevent reduc-ing this extended maintenance period, it is important thatyou use the same engine coolant (OAT coolant conform-ing to MS-12106) throughout the life of your vehicle.Please review these recommendations for using OrganicAdditive Technology (OAT) engine coolant (antifreeze)that meets the requirements of Chrysler Material Stan-dard MS-12106. When adding engine coolant (antifreeze):•We recommend using MOPARfi Antifreeze/Coolant10 Year/150,000 Mile Formula OAT (Organic AdditiveTechnology) that meets the requirements of ChryslerMaterial Standard MS-12106.•Mix a minimum solution of 50% OAT engine coolantthat meets the requirements of Chrysler Material Stan-dard MS-12106 and distilled water. Use higher concen-trations (not to exceed 70%) if temperatures below-34 F (-37 C) are anticipated.•Use only high purity water such as distilled or deion-ized water when mixing the water/engine coolant516 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE
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