クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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SUGGESTIONS FOR OBTAINING SERVICE FORYOUR VEHICLEPrepare For The AppointmentIf you are having warranty work done, be sure to havethe right papers with you. Take your warranty folder. Allwork to be performed may not be covered by thewarranty. Discuss additional charges with the servicemanager. Keep a maintenance log of your vehiclesservice history. This can often provide a clue to thecurrent problem.Prepare A ListMake a written list of your vehicles problems or thespecific work you want done. If youve had an accidentor work done that is not on your maintenance log, let theservice advisor know.Be Reasonable With RequestsIf you list a number of items and you must have yourvehicle by the end of the day, discuss the situation withthe service advisor and list the items in order of priority.At many authorized dealer, you may obtain a rentalvehicle at a minimal daily charge. If you need a rental, itis advisable to make these arrangements when you callfor an appointment.IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEThe manufacturer and its authorized dealer are vitallyinterested in your satisfaction. We want you to be happywith our products and services.Warranty service must be done by an authorized dealer.We strongly recommend that you take the vehicle to anauthorized dealer. They know your vehicle the best, andare most concerned that you get prompt and high qualityservice. The manufacturers authorized dealer have the9IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE 561
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