クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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INSTALLATIONOFRADIOTRANSMITTINGEQUIPMENTSpecial design considerations are incorporated into this vehicle’selectronic system to provide immunity to radio frequency signals.Mobiletwo-wayradiosandtelephoneequipmentmustbeinstalledproperly by trained personnel. The following must be observedduring installation.The positive power connection should be made directly to thebattery and fused as close to the battery as possible. The negativepowerconnectionshouldbemadetobodysheetmetaladjacenttothe negative battery connection. This connection should not befused.Antennasfortwo-wayradiosshouldbemountedontheroofortherearareaofthevehicle.Careshouldbeusedinmountingantennaswith magnet bases. Magnets may affect the accuracy or operationof the compass on vehicles so equipped.The antenna cable should be as short as practical and routed awayfrom the vehicle wiring when possible. Use only fully shieldedcoaxial cable.CarefullymatchtheantennaandcabletotheradiotoensurealowStanding Wave Ratio (SWR).Mobile radio equipment with output power greater than normalmay require special precautions.All installations should be checked for possible interference be-tween the communications equipment and the vehicle’s electronicsystems.
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