MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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▷By the rear middle sensors at approx.5 ft/1.50 m.Avoid driving quickly with PDCPDC is a parking aid that can display ob‐jects when the vehicle approaches them slowly,as is the case during parking maneuvers. Avoiddriving toward an object quickly as the systemmay then be too late in issuing a warning fortechnical reasons. ◀Automatic operationThe system is activated after approx. one sec‐ond when reverse gear or selector lever posi‐tion R is engaged while the engine is running orthe ignition is switched on. Await this short pe‐riod before setting the vehicle into motion.Signal tonesThe closer the vehicle is to the object, theshorter the intervals become. If the distance toa detected object is less than approx.12 in/30 cm, a continuous tone is sounded.If the distance remains constant, for examplewhen driving parallel to a wall, the signal toneis stopped after approx. 3 seconds.PDC with visual warningDisplaying the approach to an object on theControl Display. The contours of distant objectsare displayed on the Control Display before asignal tone is output. The display is shown onthe Control Display as soon as reverse gear orselector lever position R is engaged.System limitsCheck the traffic situation as wellPDC cannot serve as a substitute for thedriver's personal judgment of the traffic situa‐tion. Check the traffic situation around the ve‐hicle with your own eyes. Otherwise, an acci‐dent could result from road users or objectslocated outside of the PDC detection range.Loud noises from outside and inside the vehiclemay prevent you from hearing the PDC's signaltone. ◀MalfunctionThe warning lamp lights up. A messageappears on the Control Display. PDC ismalfunctioning or has failed. Have thesystem checked.To ensure full functionality of the sensors, keepthe sensors clean and free of ice. When usinghigh-pressure washers, do not spray the sen‐sors for long periods and maintain a distance ofat least 12 in/30 cm.Seite 107Driving comfortControls107Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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