MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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3. "Pathway light.: s"4. Set the duration.The setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Adaptive Light ControlThe conceptAdaptive Light Control is a variable headlampcontrol system that enables dynamic illumina‐tion of the road surface.Depending on the steering angle and other pa‐rameters, the light from the headlamp followsthe course of the road.ActivatingWith the ignition switch on, turn the light switchto position 3, refer to page 85.To avoid blinding oncoming traffic, the Adap‐tive Light Control does not swivel to the driver'sside when the vehicle is at a standstill.When driving in reverse, Adaptive Light Controlis not active.MalfunctionThe warning lamp lights up. A messageappears on the Control Display. Adap‐tive Light Control is malfunctioning orhas failed. Have the system checked as soon aspossible.Fog lampsMINI Coupe, MINI Roadster1 Fog lamps2 Rear fog lampTo switch on/off, press the respective button.MINI Convertible▷To switch on the front fog lamps:Press the switch upward.▷To switch on the rear fog lamp:Press the switch downward.To switch off, press the respective switch up‐ward or downward again.Fog lampsThe parking lamps or low beams must beswitched on. The green indicator lamp lights upwhen the front fog lamps are switched on.Depending on the vehicle equipment, the frontfog lamps are switched off when the headlampflasher or the high beams are activated.Seite 87LampsControls87Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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