MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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completed automatically as you drive. On theControl Display, the tires are shown in greenand "Status: TPM active" is displayed again.The trip can be interrupted at any time. If youdrive away again, the process resumes auto‐matically.If a flat tire is detected while the system is re‐setting, all tires on the Control Display are dis‐played in yellow. The message "Low tire!" isshown.Low tire pressure messageThe warning lamps come on in yellowand red. A message is displayed on theonboard monitor. In addition, a signalsounds.▷There is a flat tire or substantial loss of infla‐tion pressure on the indicated wheel.▷The system was not reset after a wheelchange and thus issues warnings based onthe inflation pressures initialized last.1. Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2.Check whether the vehicle is fitted withregular tires or run-flat tires.Run-flat tires, refer to page 232 , are la‐beled with a circular symbol containing theletters RSC marked on the tire sidewall.Do not continue driving without run-flattiresDo not continue driving if the vehicle is notequipped with run-flat tires; continued drivingmay result in serious accidents. ◀When a low inflation pressure is indicated, DSCDynamic Stability Control is switched on if nec‐essary.Actions in the event of a flat tireNormal tires1.Identify the damaged tire.Do this by checking the air pressure in allfour tires. The tire pressure gauge of theMobility System, refer to page 233 , can beused for this purpose.If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires iscorrect, the Tire Pressure Monitor may nothave been reset. Reset the system.If an identification is not possible, pleasecontact the service center.2. Rectify the flat tire using the Mobility Sys‐tem, refer to page 233 , or replace thedamaged wheel, refer to page 249 .Use of tire sealant, e.g., the Mobility Sys‐tem, may damage the TPM wheel electron‐ics. In this case, have the electronicschecked at the next opportunity and havethem replaced if necessary.Run-flat tiresYou can continue driving with a damaged tireat speeds up to 50 mph/80 km/h.Do not continue driving without run-flattiresDo not continue driving if the vehicle is notequipped with run-flat tires; continued drivingmay result in serious accidents. ◀Continued driving with a flat tireIf continuing to drive with a damaged tire:1. Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2.Do not exceed a speed of 50 mph/80 km/h.3.Check the air pressure in all four tires at thenext opportunity.If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires iscorrect, the Tire Pressure Monitor may nothave been reset. Reset the system.Possible driving distance with complete loss oftire inflation pressure:The possible driving distance after a loss of tireinflation pressure depends on the cargo loadand the driving style and conditions.Seite 97SafetyControls97Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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