MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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To switch off the engine with the selector leverin position N, the remote control must be in‐serted in the ignition lock.Before driving a vehicle with automatictransmission into a car wash1. Insert the remote control into the ignitionswitch.2. Depress the brake pedal.3. Move the selector lever to position N.4. Switch the engine off.The vehicle can roll.MalfunctionThe Comfort Access functions can be disturbedby local radio waves, such as by a mobilephone in the immediate vicinity of the remotecontrol or when a mobile phone is beingcharged in the vehicle.If this occurs, open or close the vehicle usingthe buttons on the remote control or use theintegrated key in the door lock.To start the engine afterward, insert the remotecontrol into the ignition switch.Warning lampsThe warning lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up when you attempt tostart the engine: the engine cannot bestarted.The remote control is not in the vehicle or has amalfunction. Take the remote control with youinside the vehicle or have it checked. If neces‐sary, insert another remote control into the ig‐nition switch.The warning lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up while the engine is run‐ning: the remote control is no longer in‐side the vehicle.After switching off the engine, the engine canonly be started again within approx. 10 sec‐onds if no door has been opened.The indicator lamp lights up and a mes‐sage appears on the Control Display: re‐place the remote control battery.Replacing the batteryThe remote control for Comfort Access containsa battery that will need to be replaced fromtime to time.1. Remove the cover.2. Insert a new battery with the positive sidefacing upwards.3. Press the cover closed.Return used battery to a recycling centeror to your service center.Alarm systemThe principleThe alarm system, when activated, reacts if:▷A door, the engine compartment lid or thetailgate are opened.▷There is movement inside the car.▷The car's inclination changes, for instance ifan attempt is made to jack it up and stealthe wheels or to raise it prior to towingaway.▷There is an interruption in the power supplyfrom the batteryThe alarm system briefly indicates unauthorisedentry or tampering by means of:Seite 39Opening and closingControls39Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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