MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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3. Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in com‐pletely.Pass the safety belt to the holder on theheadliner.MINI Convertible: LATCHchild restraint fixingsystemLATCH: Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children.NotesManufacturer's information for LATCHchild restraint fixing systemsTo mount and use the LATCH child restraint fix‐ing systems, observe the operating and safetyinformation from the system manufacturer;otherwise, the level of protection may be re‐duced. ◀Mounts for the lower LATCH anchorsThe lower anchors may be used to attach theCRS to the vehicle seat up to a combined childand CRS weight of 65 lb/30 kg when the child isrestrained by the internal harnesses.Correctly engage the lower LATCH an‐chorsMake sure that the lower LATCH anchors haveproperly engaged and that the child restraintfixing system is resting snugly against the back‐rest; otherwise, the degree of protection of‐fered may be reduced. ◀Before installing the child seat, pull the belt outof the area for the child restraint fixing system.The mounts for the lower LATCH anchors arelocated behind the indicated cover caps.Mounting LATCH child restraint fixingsystems1. Mount the child restraint fixing system; re‐fer to the operating instructions of the sys‐tem.2. Ensure that both LATCH anchors are prop‐erly connected.Child restraint fixingsystem with a tetherstrapMounting pointsLATCH mounting eyesOnly use the mounting eyes for the upperLATCH retaining strap to secure child restraintfixing systems; otherwise, the mounting eyescould be damaged. ◀MINI CoupeSeite 61Transporting children safelyControls61Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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