MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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DrivingVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.Ignition lockInsert the remote control into theignition lockInsert the remote control all the way into theignition lock.Radio ready state is switched on. Individualelectrical consumers can operate.Removing the remote control from theignition lockDo not forcibly pull the remote controlout of the ignition lockDo not forcibly pull the remote control out ofthe ignition lock as this may cause damage. ◀Before removing the remote control, push it allthe way in to release the locking mechanism.The ignition is switched off if it was on.Automatic transmissionYou can only take out the remote control iftransmission position P is engaged: interlock.Start/Stop buttonPressing the Start/Stop button switches the ig‐nition on or off and starts the engine.The engine starts when the Start/Stop button ispressed and:▷Manual transmission: the clutch is de‐pressed.▷Automatic transmission: the brake is de‐pressed.Radio ready stateIndividual electrical consumers can operate.Radio ready state is switched off automatically:▷When the remote control is removed fromthe ignition lock.▷With Comfort Access, refer to page 37, bypressing the button on the door handle orthe button on the remote control.▷After a certain period of time.Ignition onAll electrical consumers can operate. Most indi‐cator and warning lamps light up for differentlengths of time.Seite 64ControlsDriving64Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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