MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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3. "Flat Tire Monitor"The status is displayed.InitializationThe initialization process adopts the set infla‐tion tire pressures as reference values for thedetection of a flat tire. Initialization is started byconfirming the inflation pressures.Do not initialize the system when driving withsnow chains.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Reset"4.Start the engine, but do not start driving.5.Start the initialization with "Reset".6.Drive away.The initialization is completed while driving,which can be interrupted at any time. The initi‐alization automatically continues when drivingresumes.Indication of a flat tireThe warning lamps come on in yellowand red. A message appears on theControl Display. In addition, a signalsounds.There is a flat tire or a major loss in tire inflationpressure.1. Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2. Check whether the vehicle is fitted withregular tires or run-flat tires.Run-flat tires, refer to page 232 , are la‐beled with a circular symbol containing theletters RSC marked on the tire sidewall.Do not continue driving without run-flattiresDo not continue driving if the vehicle is notequipped with run-flat tires; continued drivingmay result in serious accidents. ◀When a flat tire is indicated, DSC Dynamic Sta‐bility Control is switched on if necessary.Actions in the event of a flat tireNormal tires1. Identify the damaged tire.Do this by checking the inflation pressure inall four tires.The tire pressure gauge of the Mobility Sys‐tem, refer to page 233 , can be used for thispurpose.If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires iscorrect, the Flat Tire Monitor may not havebeen initialized. In this case, initialize thesystem.If an identification is not possible, pleasecontact the service center.2.Rectify the flat tire using the Mobility Sys‐tem, refer to page 233 , or replace thedamaged wheel, refer to page 249 .Seite 94ControlsSafety94Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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