MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Indicator lamp for the front passengerairbagsThe indicator lamp for the front passenger air‐bags indicates the operating state of the frontpassenger airbags.The lamp indicates whether the airbags are ac‐tivated or deactivated.▷The indicator lamp lights upwhen a child in a child re‐straint fixing system in‐tended for the purpose isproperly detected on theseat. The airbags on the frontpassenger side are not acti‐vated.▷The indicator lamp does not light up when,for example, a correctly seated person ofsufficient size is detected on the seat. Theairbags on the front passenger side are ac‐tivated.▷The indicator lamp does not light up whenthe seat is empty. However, the airbags onthe front passenger side are not activated.Most child seats are detected by the system,Especially the child seats required by NHTSA atthe time that the vehicle was manufactured.After installing a child seat, make sure that theindicator lamp for the front passenger airbagslights up. This indicates that the child seat hasbeen detected and the front passenger airbagsare not activated.Operational readiness of airbag systemIn the radio ready state and beyond, re‐fer to page 64, the warning lamp lightsup briefly to indicate that the entire air‐bag system and the belt tensioners are opera‐tional.Airbag system malfunction▷Warning lamp does not light up in the radioready state.▷Warning lamp remains permanently on.Have the airbag system checked withoutdelay if there is a malfunctionIn the event of a malfunction in the airbag sys‐tem, have it checked without delay; otherwise,there is the risk that the system will not func‐tion as intended even if a sufficiently severe ac‐cident occurs. ◀MINI Convertible: roll‐over protection systemThe rollover protection system is automaticallyactivated in a sufficiently severe accident orwhen the inclination of the longitudinal axis isextremely high. The protective bars behind therear head restraints extend within fractions of asecond.The rollover protection system increases thesafety of the vehicle occupants in addition tothe reinforced windshield frame.Seite 92ControlsSafety92Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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