MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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All washer nozzles are supplied from one reser‐voir.Fill with a mixture of window washing concen‐trate and water; if needed, add antifreeze ac‐cording to the manufacturer instructions.Mix the washer fluid before adding to maintainthe correct mixing ratio.Do not fill in undiluted window washing con‐centrate and do not fill in pure water; this coulddamage the washer system.Do not mix window washing concentrate fromdifferent manufacturers; this could cause thewasher nozzles to clog.CapacityApprox. 2.6 US quarts/2.5 liters.With headlamp washer system:4.7 US quarts/4.5 liters.Manual transmissionPay attention to the shift planeWhen shifting into 5th or 6th gear, pushthe gearshift lever to the right; otherwise inad‐vertent shifting into the 3rd or 4th gear couldlead to engine damage. ◀Reverse gearSelect only when the vehicle is stationary. Whenthe gearshift lever is pressed to the left, a slightresistance needs to be overcome.Automatic transmissionwith SteptronicIn addition to the fully automatic mode, gearscan also be shifted manually using Steptronic,refer to page 71.Parking the vehicleSecure the vehicleBefore leaving the vehicle with the en‐gine running, move the selector lever to posi‐tion P and set the handbrake; otherwise, thevehicle will begin moving. ◀Disengaging the remote controlTo remove the remote control from the ignitionlock, first move the selector lever to position Pand switch off the engine: interlock. Removethe remote control from the ignition lock, referto page 64.Selector lever positionsP R N D M/S + –Seite 70ControlsDriving70Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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