MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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MINI Convertible: central powerwindows switch▷Press the switch downward.The rear and front windows open consecu‐tively until the switch is released.▷Press the switch downward briefly.With the ignition switched on: the rear andfront windows open automatically. Pressagain briefly to stop the opening proce‐dure.To close the windows, press the switch upwardand hold it.Do not close the windows until the closing pro‐cedure of the convertible top is completed;otherwise, it cannot be ensured that the sidewindows will form a tight seal with the rubberseals of the convertible top. Convertible top, re‐fer to page 43.After the ignition is switched offThe windows can be operated for approx. 1 mi‐nute after the remote control is removed or theignition is switched off.Take the remote control with youTake the remote control with you whenleaving the vehicle so that children, for exam‐ple, cannot operate the power windows and in‐jure themselves. ◀MINI Convertible:convertible top withintegrated sliding sun‐roofIf possible, conserve the battery by only operat‐ing the convertible top while the engine is run‐ning.Before closing the convertible top, remove allforeign objects from the windshield frame asthese could prevent the top from closing prop‐erly.Opening and closing the sliding sunroofTo open:Press the switch back until the desired positionor the end position is reached.To close:Press the switch forward.The sliding sunroof can be opened or closed atvehicle speeds up to 74 mph/120 km/h.Electrical convertible topThe fully-automatic convertible top combinesreliable weather protection with simple andconvenient operation.To ensure that you will continue to enjoy yourMINI Convertible, here are a few tips:▷It is advisable that you close the convertibletop when you park the vehicle. Not onlydoes the closed convertible top protect thevehicle interior against unanticipatedweather damage, it also offers a certainSeite 42ControlsOpening and closing42Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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