MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Detailed information about these warranties islisted in the Service and Warranty InformationBooklet for US models or in the Warranty andService Guide Booklet for Canadian models.Your vehicle has been specifically adapted anddesigned to meet the particular operating con‐ditions and homologation requirements in yourcountry and continental region in order to de‐liver the full driving pleasure while the vehicle isoperated under those conditions. If you wish tooperate your vehicle in another country or re‐gion, you may be required to adapt your vehi‐cle to meet different prevailing operating con‐ditions and homologation requirements. Youshould also be aware of any applicable war‐ranty limitations or exclusions for such countryor region. In such case, please contact Cus‐tomer Relations for further information.MaintenanceMaintain the vehicle regularly to sustain theroad safety, operational reliability and the NewVehicle Limited Warranty.Specifications for required maintenance meas‐ures:▷MINI Maintenance system▷Service and Warranty Information Bookletfor US models▷Warranty and Service Guide Booklet forCanadian modelsIf the vehicle is not maintained according tothese specifications, this could result in seriousdamage to the vehicle. Such damage is notcovered by the MINI New Vehicle Limited War‐ranty.Data memoryNumerous electronic components in your vehi‐cle contain data memories that store technicalinformation on the vehicle condition, eventsand faults, either temporarily or permanently.This technical information generally documentsthe state of a component, a module, a systemor the environment.▷Operating conditions of system compo‐nents, such as filling levels.▷Status messages from the vehicle and its in‐dividual components, such as wheel rpm/speed, motion delay, transverse accelera‐tion.▷Malfunctions and defects in important sys‐tem components, such as lights and brakes.▷Vehicle responses to special driving situa‐tions, such as airbag deployment, use ofthe stability control systems.▷Ambient conditions, such as the tempera‐ture.These data are of a technical nature only andare used to detect and eliminate faults and tooptimize vehicle functions. Travel profiles ofroutes driven with the vehicle cannot be cre‐ated from these data. If services are used, forinstance in the event of repairs, service proc‐esses, warranty cases, quality assurance, etc.,this technical information can be read out fromthe event and fault data memories by servicepersonnel, including the manufacturer, usingspecial diagnosis tools. This service personnelcan provide you with more information ifneeded. After troubleshooting, the informationin the fault memory is cleared or overwrittencontinuously.Situations are conceivable during the use of thevehicle in which these technical data could be‐come associated with a specific person in com‐bination with other information, such as an ac‐cident report, damage to the vehicle, witnessaccounts, etc., possibly with the involvement ofan authorized expert.Additional functions that are contractuallyagreed with the customer, such as vehicle lo‐calization in the event of an emergency, permitthe transfer of certain vehicle data out of thevehicle.Seite 8Notes8Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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