MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 7.05MB
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292page / 7.05MB
Seat heatingSwitching onThe temperature setting progresses one stepthrough its control sequence each time youpress the button. The maximum temperature isreached when three LEDs are lit.If the trip is continued within approx. 15 mi‐nutes, the seat heating is activated automati‐cally with the temperature set last.The temperature is reduced, if need be, downto no heat in order to reduce the load on thebattery. The LEDs remain lit.Switching offPress the button longer.Safety beltsNumber of safety beltsYour vehicle has been fitted with safety beltsfor the safety of you and your passengers:▷MINI Coupe, MINI Roadster: two safetybelts.▷MINI Convertible: four safety belts.NotesAlways make sure that safety belts are beingworn by all occupants before driving away.Although airbags enhance safety by providingadded protection, they are not a substitute forsafety belts.The shoulder strap's anchorage point will becorrect for adult seat occupants of every build ifthe seat is correctly adjusted.One person per safety beltNever allow more than one person towear a single safety belt. Never allow infants orsmall children to ride on a passenger's lap. ◀Putting on the beltLay the belt, without twisting, snuglyacross the lap and shoulders, as close to thebody as possible. Make sure that the belt lieslow around the hips in the lap area and doesnot press on the abdomen. Otherwise, the beltcan slip over the hips in the lap area in a frontalimpact and injure the abdomen.The safety belt must not lie across the neck, rubon sharp edges, be routed over solid or breaka‐ble objects, or be pinched. ◀Reduction of restraining effectAvoid wearing clothing that prevents thebelt from fitting properly, and pull the shoulderbelt periodically to readjust the tension acrossyour lap; otherwise, the retention effect of thesafety belt may be reduced. ◀Buckling the beltMake sure you hear the latch plate engage inthe belt buckle.The shoulder strap's anchorage point will becorrect for adult seat occupants of every build ifthe seat is correctly adjusted, refer to page 53.Seite 55AdjustingControls55Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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