MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Manual air distributionThe flow of air is directed, as se‐lected, to the windows, to theupper body area, or to the foot‐well.The automatic mode for the airdistribution can be switched back on using theAUTO button.TemperatureSet the desired temperature in‐dividually.The automatic climate controlachieves this temperature asquickly as possible regardless ofthe season, using maximum cooling or heatingpower if necessary, and then maintains it.When switching between different temperaturesettings in rapid succession, the automatic cli‐mate control does not have sufficient time toadjust the set temperature.Rear window defrosterThe rear window defrosterswitches off automatically after acertain period of time.Defrosting and defogging windowsQuickly removes ice and con‐densation from the windshieldand front side windows. For thispurpose, also switch on the cool‐ing function.The windshield heating switches on automati‐cally.Windshield heatingThe windshield heating switchesoff automatically after sometime.Cooling functionThe cooling function cools anddehumidifies the incoming airbefore reheating it as required,according to the temperaturesetting. The passenger compart‐ment can only be cooled with the engine run‐ning.The cooling function helps to prevent conden‐sation on the windows or to remove it quickly.Depending on the weather, the windshield mayfog up briefly when the engine is started. Recir‐culated air mode is switched on automatically ifnecessary.The cooling function is switched on automati‐cally when the AUTO button is pressed.Microfilter/activated-charcoal filterThe microfilter traps dust and pollen. The acti‐vated-charcoal filter provides additional protec‐tion by filtering gaseous pollutants from theoutside air. The service center replaces thiscombined filter during routine maintenance.Seite 112ControlsClimate112Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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