MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Closing the tailgateDrive with the tailgate closedOnly drive with the tailgate closed; other‐wise, passengers and other road users may beendangered or the vehicle may be damaged ifan accident occurs or during braking or swerv‐ing. In addition, exhaust fumes may enter thepassenger compartment. ◀If, despite this, the vehicle must be driven withthe tailgate open:▷Drive moderately.▷Coupe: close all windows.▷Switch off recirculated air mode and greatlyincrease the blower speed.Hot exhaust systemHot exhaust systemHigh temperatures are generated in theexhaust system.Do not remove the heat shields installed andnever apply undercoating to them. Make surethat flammable materials, e. g. hay, leaves,grass, etc. do not come in contact with the hotexhaust system during driving, while in idle po‐sition mode, or when parked. Such contactcould lead to a fire, and with it the risk of seri‐ous personal injury as well as property damage.Do not touch hot exhaust pipes; otherwise,there is the danger of getting burned. ◀Mobile communication devices in thevehicleMobile communication devices in the ve‐hicleIt is not recommended to use mobile phones,such as mobile phones without a direct con‐nection to an external aerial in the vehicle'spassenger compartment. Otherwise, the vehi‐cle electronics and mobile communication de‐vices can interfere with each other. In addition,there is no assurance that the radiation gener‐ated during transmission will be dischargedfrom the vehicle interior. ◀HydroplaningOn wet or slushy roads, a wedge of water canform between the tires and road surface.This phenomenon is referred to as hydroplan‐ing. It is characterized by a partial or completeloss of contact between the tires and the roadsurface, ultimately undermining your ability tosteer and brake the vehicle.HydroplaningWhen driving on wet or slushy roads, re‐duce your speed to prevent hydroplaning. ◀The risk of hydroplaning increases as the tiretread depth decreases. Minimum tread depth,refer to page 230 .Driving through waterDrive though calm water only if it is not deeperthan 12 inches/30 cm and at this height, nofaster than walking speed, up to6 mph/10 km/h.Adhere to water depth and speed limita‐tionsDo not exceed this water depth and walkingspeed; otherwise, the vehicle's engine, theelectrical systems and the transmission may bedamaged. ◀Using the handbrake on inclinesUsing the handbrakeOn inclines, do not hold the vehicle sta‐tionary with a slipping clutch for extended pe‐riod; use the handbrake instead. Otherwise, theclutch will be subject to increased wear. ◀Support from the hill drive-off assistant, refer topage 103 .Seite 125Things to remember when drivingDriving tips125Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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